As promised, today I'm going to explain how to make a nail polish rack. Here's what mine looks like:

My nail polish collection isn't as large as I'd like it to be, but it's getting there. I love having the top part of it to put my nail polish removers, foot cream, etc. It helped so much with my organization! You can't see it in the picture, but I have little 'buckets' with the extra stuff that I couldn't find a place for in the rack; i.e. nail stickers, tip guides, etc.
Here's a link to the video I used to make my rack: She made it look SO easy, but I promise you it's way harder than it looks.
Here's what I used to make my rack:
3 pieces of black foam board ($2.88 each at Walmart)
A small hot glue gun ($3 at Dollar General)
An extra bag of glue sticks ($1.50 at Dollar General)
A box cutter (my Dad had some in his tools)
Duct Tape (optional; I decided to use some AFTER I made the rack. Big mistake)
In the video she used an exacto knife but I thought my box cutter would work much better because it was able to cut through the foam board with just one cut.
1. On one foam board, make 5 inch markings all the way down on both sides. If you measure correctly you should have 5 lines. Connect the markings. This will be the back of the rack.
2. Take the second foam board and measure seven 2 inch strips on both sides. Connect the markings. These will be the shelves.
3. Cut the shelves off of the second foam board using your box cutter or exacto knife.
4. On the same board you cut the shelves out of, measure seven 1 inch strips on both sides and connect them. These will be the pieces that prevent the nail polish from falling off the shelf.
5. Cut those 1 inch pieces using your box cutter or exacto knife.
6. Take the third board and measure two 2 1/2 inch strips. Connect the markings. These will be the sides of your polish rack.
7. Cut the sides out of your foam board.
8. If you have decided to use duct tape, wrap your 1 inch pieces in them. (As I said, I decided to use duct tape after I build the rack and it likes to fall off so I had to hot glue them on.)
9. This is the most time consuming part. Pick up the first foam board with the 5 inch markings on it. Hot glue the seven 2 inch strips on the markings. You'll have to hot glue the side of the pieces to the board and then hot glue on the bottom for extra strength.
10. Hot glue the two 2 1/2 inch pieces to the side of the board. I found that it holds better if you put the glue on the side of the first foam board as well as a few of the shelves instead of on the sides themselves.
11. Now it's time to hot glue the duct taped pieces (seven 1 inch strips) onto the shelves. The easiest way to do this is to put hot glue on the bottom of the strip and also the two sides.
12. After all of the pieces are glued and the glue has dried, check to make sure your rack is sturdy and that no pieces are semi-on or semi-falling off. If you need to, put extra hot glue in places to make it more sturdy.
13. To hang the rack up, I used 4 screws: 1 about an inch away from each corner.
Voila! You now have a beautiful, organized polish collection. It's soooo much easier to see all of your pretty colors this way.
Some people have made theirs out of wood, but I personally didn't want to pay that much for a simple polish rack. I've had mine up for about two weeks now and it's still pretty sturdy.
Hopefully you guys will enjoy having a polish rack as much as I do. I'm like obsessed with it now! Have a wonderful weekend!
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